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“Demarcation” is an ongoing series of work on based on the idea of presenting a visual and direct physicality to an abstractly constructed space that exists within our social construct; a heterotopous space.


I am inclined to believe that the defining ethos of the modern man is of occupational genre. It is in your placement in the reproduction cycle that one feeds into the brutal predicament of adequacy – stereotyping as an appropriate term-, with tribe-like divisions in accordance to one's occupational genre and status.


This series of works are inspired by my everyday observations of seemingly transparent demarcation limits on the boundaries of certain bodies.
If one were to envision a busker performing on the crowded streets of Orchard road, a curious yet polite boundary would be naturally established, with no visible demarcation items present.


- Someone seated at a corner, hoping for loose change.
The elderly man picking through public trash can for recyclables.
A limping lady selling key-chains on the sidewalk.
The person selling tissue paper on the junction, in hawker centers. Workmen who boarded the train after a days’ work. (Or perhaps, certain looking workmen, after a days’ work.)


The men with a lot of space deliberately granted and unnoticed. A formulation of invisible boundaries or demarcation limits built on perception for contrast occupational vocation. 

Singaporean Artist/Printmaker Zhang Fuming. Woodcut on Paper

Demarcation Series 2

76cm (H) x 56cm (W)
Monoprint, Woodcut on Paper 

Singaporean Artist/Printmaker Zhang Fuming. Woodcut on Paper

Demarcation, Cardboard, Napkin, Age

84cm (H) x 65cm (W) - Framed
Monoprint, Woodcut on Paper

Singaporean Artist/Printmaker Zhang Fuming. Woodcut on Paper.

Demarcation, Coffee, Hawker, Busboy

84cm (H) x 65cm (W) - Framed
Monoprint, Woodcut on Paper 

Puppetry 3

Puppetry 3

73cm (H) x 91cm (W) – Framed 2014 Monoprint, Woodcut, Ink, Charcoal, Graphite on Paper

Puppetry 1

Puppetry 1

73cm (H) x 91cm (W) – Framed 2014 Monoprint, Woodcut, Ink, Charcoal, Graphite on Paper

Puppetry 2

Puppetry 2

73cm (H) x 91cm (W) – Framed 2014 Monoprint, Woodcut, Ink, Charcoal, Graphite on Paper

Demarcation Series 3

Demarcation Series 3

76cm (H) x 56cm (W) 2014 Monoprint, Woodcut on Paper

Demarcation Series 4

Demarcation Series 4

56cm (H) x76cm (W) 2014 Monoprint, Woodcut on Paper

Demarcation Series 1

Demarcation Series 1

76cm (H) x 56cm (W) 2014 Monoprint, Woodcut on Paper

Demarcation, Construction, Work

Demarcation, Construction, Work

84cm (H) x 65cm (W) - Framed 2014 Monoprint, Woodcut on Paper

120cm x 120cm
Hand Printed Woodcut on Paper
Edition of 2

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